My rib cage lacks bilateral symmetry

Will Cline
3 min readAug 3, 2022

I was born with a genetic trait called pectus carinatum where there is an overgrowth of cartilage between the ribs and sternum causing protrusion of the sternum area. The condition is often viewed as a cosmetic issue since it makes you stand out in an undesired way.

As a teen, I was treated by wearing an orthopedic brace while at home and at night. That had the result of flattening the protrusion some but also pushing my rib cage out of alignment

For some years after wearing the brace, I was often in pain. The structural changes the brace had incurred upon my body also caused me chronic back pain and other issues. Muscular tension held my body into maladaptive postures which continually triggered nerves. I suspected I had fucked up my body permanently and that I was destined for a life of constant suffering. Not to be dramatic, but I never thought I would feel another day without pain or be able to stand up fully straight, and I envied those who still took their healthy bodies for granted.

I didn’t know this yet, but I simply needed to stretch.

At a real low point, I came across David Goggins. If you’re not familiar, he’s a fitness inspiration to millions who overcame a traumatic life by embracing discipline and suffering. At one point David had a bunch of health issues, then he started a stretching routine of two hours a day, and his body miraculously began to heal.

I began doing this two hour (at least!) a day of fanatical stretching and began to see the results I was hoping for. Over the course of many arduous and hopeful months, my body evolved to a new healthy version of myself. The subtle changes of flexibility and postural patterns made a huge difference by letting muscles relax how they should in resting state. Knots hard as a twist of wood melted to butter.

As my inescapable pain and constant stress went away, other things I had lost because of it came back. Healthy and fulfilling relationships; deeply restful sleep; the ability to eat without nausea etc.

To this day as of now, I still might experience minor fatigue or low back pain here and there due to the structure of my body. However, the positive effects of having this situation far outweigh the negative. I view the adversity I was given and able to overcome as a blessing for its teachings in mental toughness, reframing of perspective and empathy for people who look different than I do.

  • Through the depths of my pain I learned mental toughness and realism and the importance of optimism and hope.
  • I had to be chronically sapped of energy in order to learn to worship efficiency.
  • Obsessive compulsive self consciousness matured into a useful mindfulness and self awareness.
  • Because of a difference in appearance, I developed radical self acceptance and grew comfortable standing out
  • Through my estrangement, I gained a deeper appreciation for simple human connection
  • If it weren’t for deep discomfort in my own skin, I wouldn’t have been as driven to prove myself, nor would I have learned to rig my self esteem so that I CAN win - by measuring myself only by things within my control and simply focus on the efforts.

After all, what doesn’t kill you does in fact make you stronger.

